6 FAB Strategies for Improved Behavior During Pediatric Therapy

Link to my new Therapro Guest Blog Post https://blog.therapro.com/6-fab-strategies-for-improved-behavior-during-pediatric-therapy/  for information on strategies for improving child and adolescent behavior during your pediatric rehabilitation sessions.

I will be offering Integrating Behavioral, Sensory, & Mindfulness Interventions in your Pediatric Therapy, a Therapro sponsored Free Webinar   on Tuesday, 10/29/19 from 7:00-8:30 P.M. EDT.

Advanced Treatment Strategies for Youth with Complex BehavioralChallenges, my free Therapro sponsored Advanced Live Seminar that builds on the webinar, will be held on Saturday, 11/16/19 from 9-11 AM at the Therapro Showroom, 225 Arlington St. Framingham, Massachusetts.


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