Occupational Therapy’s Heart keeps beating . . .

Despite the Caronavirus with its delays, masks, and other obstacles my four occupational therapy students completed their three month internship with me today! I asked that they take this graduation picture today with their masks on to remind me of their dedication and perseverance.

John with Occupational Therapy Interns

While I was impressed by their evidence-based knowledge, it is then kind hearts of the next generation of OT’s that impresses me most. Their hard work, caring attitude, and creative use of meaningful activities to help adolescents with mental health challenges continues to make me proud to be an occupational therapist. 

Heart of Occupational Therapy

Despite recent hardships, the heart of OT (like Rock & Roll) is still beating. My interns continue to act caring and develop individualized meaningful activities to motivate their clients.

OT It is still best summarized by the statement made by OT Association President Ginny Stoffel “Occupational Therapy practitioners ask “what matters to you” not “what’s the matter with you?” I look forward to the future as Occupational Therapy is evolves into the future led by so many wonderful emerging students as well as us “mature” practitioners who continue to love what we do.

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