FAB Strategies

Sensory-Based Interventions (SBIs) Improve Behavior

Occupational therapists use sensory-based interventions (SBIs) to improve the behavior of children, adolescents and adults with developmental and sensory processing challenges. SBIs are the guided use of individualized sensory coping strategies and adaptive equipment to improve sensory modulation skills and behavior. Emerging evidence suggests that SBIs can significantly reduce distress and promote attention.

SBIs empower clients to actively substitute the sensory input provided through aggressive and self-injurious behavior with sensory coping strategies and adaptive equipment. However, SBI intervention needs to be goal-directed and specifically matched to the client’s needs and preferences. The use of SBIs has been included in the research supported Greenspan Floortime Approach for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Collaborative & Proactive Solutions Approach for children and adolescents with Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and treatment models for reducing restraint and seclusion in pediatric and adult mental health facilities as well as schools NEWSchoolOTCrisisResponsePrevention SchoolOTtoReduceAggression

Research indicates that specific deep pressure touch activities can significantly improve behavior in individuals with developmental disabilities. Parents taught by therapists to  administer the massage significantly improved the communication skills of preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorders. These preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorders showed significantly greater improvement given parent massage daily if they had mild behavioral impairment, but needed both daily parent and weekly therapist massage if they had severe behavioral impairment.

Environmental adaptations that reduced noise levels and visual distractions significantly improved attention in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. While weighted vests significantly improved attention and learning in students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, they did not reduce repetitive non-purposeful behaviors in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Given the limited research on the efficacy of SBIs it is important to develop specific goals, gather baseline data, then individually introduce sensory coping strategies or adaptive equipment to determine their effectiveness. It can be useful to introduce SBIs as an experiment that will be continued if it helps the client reach their goals.

Integrating SBIs with behavioral intervention appears most effective for helping clients with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Deep pressure sensory interventions like the Roll a therapyball Core Progression Strategy can help reduce stress and increase body orientation Click Treatment Video SBIs like rolling a therapyball can be useful for reducing incidences of inappropriate behavior. Their popularity makes them especially helpful when used immediately following appropriate behavior, to further reinforce it.

SBIs have been found to significantly contribute to reducing client distress, restraints and seclusion in pediatric and adult mental health facilities. An especially effective SBI to reduce aggression in youth and adults with mental health challenges is to offer use of a specially designed sensory coping area before aggressive behavior. The sensory coping area needs to be individualized for each client by an occupational therapist. It can have items such as mats, weighted blankets, and environmental adaptations to reduce noise levels. For specific school OT use of advanced Sensory Based Interventions click on my SBI in School Post HERE

Meaningful activities that are individualized sensory-based interventions have enabled clients to decrease their distress and aggression. SBIs use individually guided, goal-directed sensory strategies and adaptive equipment to improve the behavior of children, adolescents and adults with developmental, mental health and sensory challenges.


Case-Smith, J., Weaver, L. L., & Fristad, M. A. (2014). A systematic review of sensory processing interventions for children with autism spectrum disorders. Autism, 1362361313517762.

Champagne, T., Mullen, B., Dickson, D., & Krishnamurty, S. (2015). Evaluating the safety and effectiveness of the weighted blanket with adults during an inpatient mental health hospitalization. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 31(3), 211-233.

Fedewa, A. L., & Erwin, H. E. (2011). Stability balls and students with attention and hyperactivity concerns: Implications for on-task and in-seat behavior. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 6(4), 393-399.

Kinnealey, M., Pfeiffer, B., Miller, J., Roan, C., Shoener, R., & Ellner, M. L. (2012). Effect of classroom modification on attention and engagement of students with autism or dyspraxia. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 66, 511–519.

Lin, H.-Y., Lee, P., Chang, W.-D., & Hong, F.-Y. (2014). Effects of weighted vests on attention, impulse control, and on-task behavior in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68, 149–158. http://dx.doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2014.009365

Mawson, A. R. (2012). Toward a theory of childhood learning disorders, hyperactivity, and aggression. ISRN psychiatry, 2012.

McGinnis, A. A., Blakely, E. Q., Harvey, A. C., & Rickards, J. B. (2013). The behavioral effects of a procedure used by pediatric occupational therapists. Behavioral Interventions, 28(1), 48-57.

Woo, C. C., Donnelly, J. H., Steinberg-Epstein, R., & Leon, M. (2015). Environmental enrichment as a therapy for autism: A clinical trial replication and extension. Behavioral neuroscience, 129(4), 412.

Woo, C. C., & Leon, M. (2013). Environmental enrichment as an effective treatment for autism: a randomized controlled trial. Behavioral neuroscience, 127(4), 487.

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