FAB Strategies

Welcome to my brand new Website!!!

I hope you enjoy my new website. Please forgive me for any confusion you experienced during the initial building phase. My new website offers a lot of free resources that can assist you in using FAB Strategies to help youth with complex behavioral challenges.

The FAB Strategies site allows you to select from 5 distinct sections that can quickly meet the needs of therapists, teachers, parents, and youth with  varied interests and learning styles. From top to bottom the fabstrategies.org landing page offers 5 major links,  lists new site resources, then provides a brief description of the site. 

Clicking the Home Page    will bring you to a current list of my upcoming Workshops, a brief description of the FAB Strategies curriculum as well as my background, then, links to various FAB Strategies resources. The FAB Strategies Book link will provide a description and links for purchasing my FAB Strategies paperback and e-book.

The Media link brings you to my free podcast interview,  Webinar, Youtube pages showing my treatment videos, and Pinterest pictures. 

For my fellow evidence-based geeks, a variety of free papers and clinically helpful therapist forms are available by clicking Articles   Finally, by clicking FAB Blog  you can select any of my extensive blog. posts on a variety of topics. Remember if you get lost to just click on the FAB STRATEGIES® multi-colored icon to get back to the landing page (or find someone under 20-years old and ask them to help you). I hope you find this new site helpful, and feel free to send me an e-mail if you have any comments or questions.

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